Bleach: Lost Souls
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Bleach: Lost SoulsLog in

descriptionYato Yamamoto [FIN] EmptyYato Yamamoto [FIN]

Yato Yamamoto [FIN] Images10


Name: Yato Yamamoto
Race: Soul Reaper
Age: 150 / 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165 Lbs
Squad: 1


Body/Face: Dark hair, but icy blue eyes, these are what most people think when they see Yato. He is tall, standing at around 5 ft 10 in. though this doesn’t mean he is built in a bulky manner, no Kosuke has lean muscle. Far from rippling, and not very attention catching, but they serve their purpose. His skin is pale, betraying the sheltered life he was forced to live, away from the violence the Rukon district will convey. His shoulders are not broad, adding to his rather lean appearance.

His face is narrow, seeming to fit along with his lanky form. He doesn’t have very high or pronounced cheek bones, but they are there. His almond shaped eyes house a shining blue iris, one that betrays his best attempts at hiding his emotions. Usually when one looks into his eyes, they will see mirthful orbs, full of life and joy. But, on rare occasions during combat, his opponents will find an icy gaze that may freeze them in their tracks. And lastly, the unluckiest opponents receive a glare that is solely reserved for those who harm those Yato cares for. This glare will set your soul on fire, if looks could kill, this would murder your entire race.

A soft, content smile usually graces those in the presence of Yato. While he has suffered some in his life, he wants nothing more than to relish life’s happy moments. While when he is annoyed, a scowl could show itself, this is usually replaced by a neutral annoyed look though. And finally, for those who truly piss him off, Yato shows a deep, hard scowl. This goes along with his angry glare quite… uh... angrily. Yato’s body is home to many scars showing the years of combat tempered marks that symbolize learning, improving and mistakes.

His face is framed by onyx black hair, his bangs fall down covering his forehead. He has a thin nose, and also very slender fingers. Though he is not overly built, he has been training for many years and has a muscular chest and back, along with a slight six pack. His most powerful muscle though, would have to be his legs, it seems he was simply made for speed.
Attire: Yato has a few different outfits from his many years of travel. Though his most common one would be a black gi with a mesh undershirt, covered by a dark hooded cloak. The cloak is black on the outside, but a rich red on its inside, its bottom is tattered showing many years of travel and even combat. It has a few tears but nothing too strenuous. Yato also wears a necklace with a single magatama on it. He usually keeps his Zanpakutō strapped to his back.

His other common outfit is used solely for training. It consists of short black pants that come down to just above the ankles, white socks and black sandals. He has a black long sleeve shirt, but he ties it around his waist, in order to be freer in his movements. He also feels like it looks cool, so that’s what he wears.

His body has many scars, mostly on his back and chest. He has a few along his arms, but nothing too major. His most prominent scar is from where the hollow stabbed him in his heart. It appears as an ugly, jagged scar right in the center of his chest. He also has a couple tattoos. His most prominent ones are located on each shoulder, and are merely tribal based tattoo designs. But he has another one right at the back of his neck, just below his hairline, it is the kanji for light.
Faceclaim: Yato - Noragami


Social: Yato is generally a pretty social person, who enjoys spending time with his friends and other Shinigami. He isn't usually one to have problems or drama with people but if someone gets on his nerves for any reason he can be cold to them.
Combat: His general thoughts about combat are that if you don't give your opponent the opportunity to attack you or defend from you, then you never really need to worry about fighting or losing because they can never get a hit in.
Misc: Likes: Fighting, Learning new things, Meeting new people, Winning, Spicy and Sweet Food. Dislikes: Bullies, Losing, Weak Opponents, Sour Food. Habits: He has a habit of cracking his knuckles or slamming his fist into his palm before a fight.


Childhood/Parents: It was around two hundred years ago, Kagome and Ryuuko met. Ryuuko was a Shinigami, he held no seat, but he was a member of the 1st division. He and his family lived in the 75th district of the Rukongai in the soul society. They often had to fight off people who thought they were better off since Ryuuko was a Shinigami, but they were able to hold off most intruders. While both Ryuuko and Kagome were skilled in martial arts and had a rather powerful spiritual energy, their son Yato had much more than they were expecting. Ryuuko decided that he wanted to train Yato the moment he was able, to both be able to defend his family and to one day become a Shinigami as well. Kagome hated the idea, as she viewed the occupation as dangerous and fool hardy. It wasn’t long after Yato was born that Ryuuko was sent on a mission from which he never returned. During their time of mourning, the two of them rarely left their home. Yato grew up kind of isolated due to his mother’s fear of him wanting to become a Shinigami.
Early Adulthood/Academy: After around 10 years, Yato had been attacked by some thugs that were common in the area they lived in. After this attack, Kagome decided to tell Yato the truth about his father and began to teach him some basic martial arts and Kenjutsu. She trained him for five years, on the fifth year, her greatest fear came true, he wanted to become a Shinigami. So, he went to the Shinigami Academy in order to take the entrance exams. The exams were difficult, but he managed to pass and was placed in the 5th class. Upon entering the academy, Kosuke is given an Asauchi to use throughout his time in his classes. He spent every waking moment studying the various katas, Kido, Zanjutsu stances, and history that was put in front of him. He wanted to be able to protect those precious to him to the best of his ability.
Early Career (Optional):  [Only necessary if you don't want to pick up your character right at the start of their career]

Last edited by Yato on Sat Sep 11, 2021 12:10 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionYato Yamamoto [FIN] EmptyRe: Yato Yamamoto [FIN]



Name: Yato Yamamoto
Squad: 1
Position: unseated
Race: Soul Reaper
Tier: 5-3


Agility: 7
Strength: 4
Durability: 3
Reiatsu: 8


Tier 5-5: 6 stats
Tier 4-5:
Tier 3-5:
Tier 2-5:
Tier 1-5:


Moonlight Bakudo #1: Cloth Binding
Moonlight Hakudo #1: Heated Beheading

Last edited by Yato on Sat Sep 11, 2021 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionYato Yamamoto [FIN] EmptyRe: Yato Yamamoto [FIN]

Name: Tengetsu
Command: Glimmer, Tengetsu

Appearance: Appears as a black straight blade with a black and red sheathe. The blade itself is black with an almost silver edge that appears to glimmer with the light of a full moon at all times. The blade itself is around a meter in length with a small bit of white cloth coming from the base of the hilt.

Ability: Heat Manipulation - Yatois able to control the heat his body puts out and the heat around him in the immediate area to a degree. He can raise and lower his own heat output and obviously his body is immune and has adapted to this change. He can control the heat in a small area around him to make it feel like a sweltering summer day, or removing all heat to make it feel like the most frigid winter. This is done by his ability to control heat using his spirit energy.

Slot 1: +2 to Reiatsu due to his spiritual energy heating up and expanding in presence and potency.
Slot 2: [Two techniques below]

Name: Tempered Pressure
Type: Shikai
Level: 2

Appearance: The area around Yato gets either extremely hot or immensely cold based on the users Reiatsu level. One must have equal or greater Reiatsu to completely resist the effects.

Effect: The area of effect of this technique is 50m centered on Yato. It moves as he moves. The weakness of this technique is that it effects all within its range indiscriminately. This creates a strained effect on those other than Yato, causing them to become exhausted faster.

Name: Heat Wave
Type: Shikai
Level: 3

Appearance: Performing a slash of some kind, an orangeish wave of heat is formed from the blade and travels a certain distance before dissipating, burning all it contacts in its path.

Effect: Wave travels up to 100m and deals damage as a fire-elemental attack. Scales with Reiatsu.

Name: Cold Wave
Type: Shikai
Level: 3

Appearance: Performing a slash of some kind, an blueish wave of heat is formed from the blade and travels a certain distance before dissipating, freezing all it contacts in its path provided the power exceeds the durability of the target.  

Effect: Freezes and disables whatever body part comes into contact with the wave, provided the wave has higher power than the durability of the body part contacted for 3 posts. Travels 100 meters. Scales with Reiatsu.

Name: Dance of the Yukikami
Type: Shikai
Level: 1

Appearance: The user spins in a circle releasing a white haze from their body that obscures vision and chills the air significantly.

Effect: A thick chilly mist fills the area limiting vision within to 2m. The user is able to sense the heat signatures within the area of effect.

Last edited by Yato on Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionYato Yamamoto [FIN] EmptyRe: Yato Yamamoto [FIN]


descriptionYato Yamamoto [FIN] EmptyRe: Yato Yamamoto [FIN]

one more placeholderrrrr

descriptionYato Yamamoto [FIN] EmptyRe: Yato Yamamoto [FIN]


descriptionYato Yamamoto [FIN] EmptyRe: Yato Yamamoto [FIN]

Updated Tier information and Added In Starting Kido.

descriptionYato Yamamoto [FIN] EmptyRe: Yato Yamamoto [FIN]

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