Bleach: Lost Souls
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Bleach: Lost SoulsLog in

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Yato was walking through the Rukongai today, enjoying a rare day to himself since he got placed in the first division. He had spent almost every waking hour since then either training or doing some missions. He hadn't even seen any other members of his division recently, he often wondered how they were doing. He knew some were training, maybe one would become his rival eventually. It was always good for Rivals to continue to progress as they had done ever since they met. As he walked he greeted the various souls who ran shops or other such things in the area, it was cool to get to know the people he had sworn to protect!


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It was as he walked through the town he noticed that he did receive a few hateful glares and some people moved out of his way with such speed he knew they wanted nothing more than to get away from him. Having grown up in this district, he knew that several families were distrustful of Shinigami and all they represented. He was broken from his musings as he heard a shout and then saw a young teenager rush from the stall carrying a sack no doubt filled with valuables. Vanishing from his position, he would appear in front of the kid, catching him, taking the bag and then giving him a stern talking to before letting him go on his way. Not all Shinigami were terrible people after all.


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When he returned home, he got a few hours of sleep before he was forced awake. Yato woke up with a start. He heard a tapping on his windowsill, it would seem that his captain had sent a spirit hawk to pass on his orders for the day. He was to spend the first six hours training and then had several missions that warranted his immediate attention afterwards. Knowing he couldn't deny a strict order such as that, he decided to go ahead and get out of bed. Looking outside, it was still very early, only three in the morning. Though it was still perfect training conditions for the intense regime he had planned for himself on this glorious day.


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He would slip into his normal clothing, omitting the jacket and t-shirt he normally wore in favor of being totally topless. Walking out of his barracks room, he would use Shunpo to get to a clearing in the Rukongai to train. Once he arrived, he would unsheathe his Asauchi, activating the flame ability to create a massive pyre, then he would enter it. Using his innate ability to control his own body's heat output, he was able to survive in the fire without getting more than a sunburn, but this would serve to increase his physical endurance against almost everything.


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Yato could feel his flesh burning, so he met it with a cooling sensation, but he would need to keep his mind off it. Thinking back, he would think of the basic art of Kendo and how he was taught in the Academy. It had taken him a bit longer than others to get the hang of the techniques and kata for the styles, so he ended up getting beat a lot. Once they moved on to normal weapons, he received most of the scars that littered his body, but eventually he built up a tolerance to the pain. Hence his training today.


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Opening his icy blue orbs, he could see the fire flickering around him, he could almost sense the flames increasing his toughness. The flames were doing their job of acting as a forge, making him stronger and tougher than he had ever been before, strong enough maybe to prove to His Asauchi spirit that he was a worthy wielder. But, it would take time. He had to pace himself otherwise his training and progress would do more harm than good and he would end up injured or permanently stunted. He couldn't have that, he had too much to do! Too much progress left!


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Yato sat in a meditative position, the fire burning around him, he would use his power to increase the voracity of the fire, causing it to flare up around him, no doubt reaching high into the sky and lighting up the area outside the Rukon district. He was far enough away that he knew no one would notice it, even if it got ten times brighter. He could feel the heat burning at his skin, but he could also feel his tolerance for the pain and the damage increasing greatly. It was interesting to see how much he could improve with intense training.


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Thinking of how he had to keep improving due to the seemingly increased Hollow activity in the area, he knew he needed to grow stronger so that he could achieve his goal of becoming not only the strongest Shinigami, but also taking down the bastard Hollows and wiping them off the map. To do that, he would need a tougher hide than the one he currently had, able to take hits and keep moving. Clenching his fists, he would put even more focus into the fire, raising the heat more it actually started to burn him some from the intensity.


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As the flames grew in intensity, they continued to burn him, more and more. But he let no outward sign of distress or pain show on his face. No, he was too determined to grow stronger. He kept pushing his body to new heights from this training. Looking around, the sun had begun to rise and he realized he had actually been sitting in the fire for five hours, meaning he only had an hour left of the training. But that was fine, he would just have to make that one hour count and get the most out of it that he could!


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Finally, he felt it, a noticeable shift in his power, his body acclimating to the flames. Next he released a breath and the heat was completely annihilated, wiped out by the frost that filled the air. Breathing out, his breath was totally visible. His skin would now face a different enemy, brittleness brought on by the onslaught of cold in the air. It was an intense feeling, but he could feel his body acclimating to this climate as well. That was the one good thing, he could survive in impossible heat as well as total zero cold. He was a survivor after all!


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Looking up, he realized that he needed to get going, his next mission was now the priority. Looking down at the small card, he sighed loudly. It would seem some foolish upstart had abandoned the mission and run away to the human world. This meant he would have to travel to the human world, locate this Shinigami and capture them. The only downside being he would have to capture them alive, because normally he would go in with a much more reckless attitude, but since it was a Shinigami, even a traitor, he would have to hold back.


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Using his impressive speed he would dash through the Rukongai towards the gate that led to the Human World. Once he arrived he had to show the guards his official transcript as well as his recent promotion papers. Once they got all that out the way, they opened the portal, allowing him access to it. As he stepped through, he suddenly found himself falling from the sky. He looked around, this was the city he was supposed to be looking for the Shinigami in. Turning in mid air he would adjust himself and prepare for landing.


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As he fell, he took a moment to sense for any extraordinarily high spiritual pressures. As he did this, he also scouted for a safe landing area. Looking down, he noticed a bush, and then landed in the bush. It was not the most graceful of landings, but it didn't matter, no mortals could see him anyways. Getting up and brushing himself off, he would look around, time to get to searching for the bastard that ran away from the honorable duty of a Soul Reaper. He had no patience for cowards, but he would make sure that this one got his just desserts. 


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Looking around, he opened up his senses once more before feeling the slightest spiritual pressure to his north. But, in this dead environment it might as well have been a beacon of light. Dashing off he finally came to its source, a Shinigami lounging about, his Asauchi resting on the table next to him on a rooftop. The moment Yato landed, the fool stood and grabbed his blade, but before he could unsheathe it, Yato Flashed forwards and chopped him on the neck hard enough to knock him out. Wrapping him up in his soul chains, Yato would then haul him back to Soul Society.


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Once he arrived in the Soul Society, he would turn the bastard over to the proper authorities, getting his chains back as they had their own. That was when he sensed it. It came out of nowhere, but stuck out like a light in the darkness. It was a powerful Hollow that had just appeared in the Rukongai. Turning and dashing off in the direction he could sense it in, he prepared himself for the fight of a lifetime. Once he got closer, he could see the beast and was almost frozen in shock, it was a Gillian!


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Gillian-class menos were extremely rare, only appearing a few times outside of the fabled Hueco Mundo, and usually only discussed in tall tales or in the text books at the academy. This one was just like they had been depicted though, with a solid black cloak, spikes around its neck, and a horrid face with a long nose. Growling slightly, he clenched his fists as he continued approaching the massive monster. He would put an end to this beast if it was the last thing he did. It stood no chance against him and his Asauchi! They were the ultimate team, at least, they would be once he earned its trust and unlocked its latent potential.


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Once he got close enough to the beast, it had just started marching towards the Rukongai. It wouldn't be long before the beast drew the attention of other Shinigami nearby, but Yato knew he had to keep it from getting any closer. Gritting his teeth, his hatred for these creatures knew no bounds. Drawing his as of yet nameless asauchi, he could feel his training had made a difference in the blade. It hadn't entered its shikai form or anything, and he hadn't even learned its name yet, but he could feel that he had gained some resonance with the blade through his efforts. He could feel the resonance growing stronger each time he drew the blade.


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He would leap high into the air, before being swatted down by the creature, crashing into the earth hard enough to create spiderweb cracks. Getting up with a groan, he would let out a growl, he hated these monstrosities for what they did and he would get his vengeance. Straightening out his back he would let out a roar that would pierce even the Gillians senses before leaping up again to drag Tengetsu across the bastards mask, splitting it right down the middle. He could feel the blade cut through its very soul, purifying it, but also killing it.


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Just as he landed on the ground he heard a noise, another gate opening in the sky, being ripped open by another of the Gillian as it crawled its way through. This one charging a Cero to fire at him, so he used a basic level Shunpo to dodge out of the way swiftly. This would be one tough fight, he could tell. The beast landed on the ground with a massive crash, sending debris into the air around them, fogging the area up so that it was just the two of them in the center of a foggy circle.


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Glaring at the beast with a look that could kill just as easily as his blade could, he noticed this one seemed to be a bit stronger than others. It charged another blast, but his shield held strong. The beast was tough as it aimed an attack at him, but he had enough of sitting around. Picking up Tengetsu, he would move to slice at the appendage closest to him which was a foot. It seemed to hurt it, but it healed quickly from the damage. It would seem that his only real option was to split its mask.


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Leaping high into the air, he would bring his Tengetsu across its mask, delivering another mighty blow, killing the second Gillian that had formed. Once he landed once again, he let out a loud, almost pained cry of anguish. With every Hollow he killed he hoped it would fill the hole in his heart left from the death of his mother, but it only brought back the sting of her death. He hoped one day to heal from the hole in his heart, but he just couldn't seem to recover from it. 


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