Bleach: Lost Souls
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Bleach: Lost SoulsLog in

descriptionBrothers of the Roses  EmptyBrothers of the Roses

Ragar stood hidden in room located within the outskirts of the squad barracks. On his face a deep frown rested with no sign of fading away. He had finally been approved to transfer to squad three to protect his younger brother. But it seems his father was adamant on placing him in the worst environment possible. Within his room the walls were covered in cobwebs and various stains. The air quality within the room itself barely meeting the base requirements of livable. Alongside the poor air quality were the lack of windows inside the small room. The only available light source being a small and slightly weak lantern. This room would more appropriately be more closely related to an old storage closet then a living barracks. But this was the furthest his father would compromise even in the face of their cold and detached father would allow. Even in the face of his brothers threats to their father it seems he would not willing let his “untalented bastard” child of his to living easily in the squad.

But at least he would be able to follow and protect his only family that cares for him. Who needs reiatsu control? Who needs kido? He can make something of his self with his own remaining skills and powers. It was just enough for Ragar that was able to maintain a relationship to his brother despite his family attempts to ruin and belittle him. So it only makes sense for he to allow himself to cherish and protect the few bonds he had made in his life. Even more so he would desire to be close to his father so that when he does find his path he could shove his success in his face and let him truly regret his actions. But for now he would simply have to deal with the harshness of the situation. Opening his room door to let light and air in he would look around the area nervously ready to jump back inside the room at a moments notice.

“I truly hope little brother does not find out about this room. Otherwise he will go find father and cause a scene within the squad again…”

descriptionBrothers of the Roses  EmptyRe: Brothers of the Roses

Hatsu had been looking around the more abandoned parts of the barracks for some fun. After all, one had to be well acquainted with his room and home if he were to be proper with it. He was wearing his white robes, to make sure people could see him in even the darkest part of the barracks.

It was here when he saw a lantern. Not much of one, credit. But he saw the light of it and felt the need to look and see what was going on with it. He figured that the individual inside would be a sour soul. That, or if the individual inside was akin to a monk, sitting with the least amount of objects.

However, what he saw when he arrived, was something that infuriated him. It was Ragar! His father had the audacity to place him out here and not in a room close to Hatsu? The sheer audacity of their father! On what basis? The fact that Ragar had no potential with reiatsu.

"Ragar? Is that you? Did Father do this? He better not have!" Hatsu said, enraged. He'd get confirmation first, to be sure that his anger wasn't misplaced. However, if it was confirmed? One could assume easily what would happen.

descriptionBrothers of the Roses  EmptyRe: Brothers of the Roses

Standing in the entrance way of the door Ragar would close his eyes and began breathing in deeply to refresh his lungs of the stale air. But this very action would not allow him to see the danger coming towards him. With his eyes still closed he would hear the all to familiar voice of his younger brother. Panic quickly spreading through his body he would slightly leap into the air out of nervousness. He was clearly caught red headed by the brother he wanted to avoid the most right now. Still not able to calm himself from being caught he would quickly rush into his room ignoring his brother. After he was completely inside he would quickly rush to close the door almost slamming it to avoid him.

However, in doing so he had not properly controlled his strength. The sliding door of his small room would almost immediately after being closed fall forcefully to the floor. Within the entrance of the rather still dusty room Ragar could be seen with his mouth gaped wide open in astonishment. “Damn you stupid door…” This was the only though that would run through his head as he once again headed to the entrance of his room. Placing his right hand on his head in embarrassment he would stare at his younger brother as if nothing happened while also ignoring his question.

“Oh who do we have here? Is this my dear younger brother? How did you make your way to the outskirts of the squad?”

descriptionBrothers of the Roses  EmptyRe: Brothers of the Roses

"I asked you a question, brother. Was it our father who put you here?" Hatsu would say, standing straight up. Did his Father really have such hatred of his twin brother? Was giving him such terrible accommodations really needed? Why not give him no accommodations, and just stick him with Hatsu? That would be so much better! Why was Father being so mean?

After not five seconds, and looking at the broken door. Not that it should've broken, were it a proper door. Hatsu unleashed his Reiatsu, directly towards where his father would normally stay. Not that it'd reach there, but any poor Shinigami caught in the direct path between was going to have a terrible time. It'd also probably be a bit tiring to Ragar, not that Hatsu was thinking like that in his blind rage.

"Now, you stay with me from now on up in the middle of the barracks. I'll even give you my bed if required, simply to spite Father. Otherwise, he simply won't learn that he can't pick on you like this."

Hatsu had also ignored Ragar's questions, in lieu of persuing answers to his own.

descriptionBrothers of the Roses  EmptyRe: Brothers of the Roses

Ragar would sigh once again as he noticed his brother didn’t get distracted by his poor attempt to cover up his mistreatment. What caused him to be even more shocked was his brothers violent reaction to him suspecting their if doing this. Ragar would feel the heavy wave of spiritual pressure wash over him while speedily traveling throughout most of the squad. Struggling to maintain his own footing he would watch as he saw anyone in the direct path of Hatsu’s massive spiritual pressure just simply pass out. This surely would alarm their father and bring him hear to see what was going on.

This was exactly what Ragar wanted to avoid but it seems he was no longer in control of the situation. He would once again have to appease his brother fury. He too would have to actively watch as his father stared at him with hatred for his brother once again took his side against his father. Hatsu wasn’t aware that this only make things worse for him. His father would single him out more carefully aware from the eyes of Hatsu. This could be in the form of dangerous missions or even grunt levels tasks. Disturbing the entire squad for this room simply was not worth it.

“Brother please calm down, this is fine there is no need to alarm the rest of the squad. You know how father is he’s simply just messing around… You must not keep causing issues because of me I can fend for myself.”

descriptionBrothers of the Roses  EmptyRe: Brothers of the Roses

"Not alert the rest of the squad? When my, Hatsu Rose, brother is being directly mistreated right in front of me? You may ask me not to, but I will not stand to have you bullied because of what I've done. Other issues? I will not step in. If you cause trouble yourself, if you are in the right, I'll step in. But, when Father is at the core of it? It's a family issue, and as the future head, I should always step in. Shouldn't I?" Hatsu would say, infuriated farther by his brother's unwillingness to persue the point.

Still, though, Hatsu stopped flaring his Reiatsu. Hatsu understood that he was acting out, but he was still going to do so. After all, something had to happen. And as the brother of Ragar, and a likely future Head of the House, sorting out issues like this was a required. This was not something that Hatsu would move on.

descriptionBrothers of the Roses  EmptyRe: Brothers of the Roses

Ragar knew very well just how adamant his brother was in protecting him. His guilt in what happened in when they were in the womb would not allow him to let anyone mistreat Ragar. But Ragar never blamed him, there was no need to. His twin brother always treated him well and loved him as family. Unlike the rest of their Family how could he dare hate him? Hopefully one day he would be able to release that guilt but for that to happened Ragar needed to progress with his own abilities. But for now he could allow follow along with his brother whims to hopefully avoid the fall out with him and the family.

“Okay okay calm down Hatsu. Brother here will follow your recommendations just please don’t cause anymore chaos in the Sq-“



Exiting his office after receiving a report of the unconscious Shinigami all over the squad Ragar II would quickly leave his office while making his way to where the remaining spiritual pressure originated. As the captain of the kido squad he was exceptionally sensitive to strong spiritual pressures and this one was quite strong and pure. There were only a few in the soul society who could produce this level of pressure outside of himself. Upon tracking down and arriving to the origin of the pressure he would began frowning. Instantly spotting his eldest son he would waste no time to place the blame on him while ignoring what should be his scowling youngest son standing on the side.

“You useless bastard, what trouble have you brought upon this Squad now? Did you go on to offend some top expect and run back here for me to save you? Not in your dreams such a useless child does not deserve my rescuing figure it out yourself! I’ve already placed you out this far into the Squad yet you still cause such troubles? Maybe I should just send you away to our branch in the Rukongai where you could bother no one any longer.”

descriptionBrothers of the Roses  EmptyRe: Brothers of the Roses

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