Bleach: Lost Souls
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Bleach: Lost SoulsLog in

descriptionWaru Akuma EmptyWaru Akuma

Waru Akuma C499ffb5f9fd5947052a8e8da1f0af2f


Name: Waru Akuma(Aku)
Race: Hollow
Age: 150
Section: 3


Body/Face: Aku is a medium-sized man, with bright yellow eyes. Upon his head lies dark green hair. Half of his body is a shadowy black, contrasting the other half pale white. After the hollow transformation, his face is almost always a creepy smile but if he wills he can change this.
Attire: Aku's attire is quite simple in and of itself. It consists of one or two different options. One is a fancy black tuxedo that he almost always is seen wearing. The other is a set of red wood armor reflecting that of a traditional Japanese samurai.
Faceclaim: Zetsu, Naruto


Social: Towards strangers, Aku is polite and courteous almost never seen with rage. Though if a stranger comes to be someone he dislikes this can turn into a ferocious rage. He is able to introduce himself and project his will unto others. When with friends he is almost always protective almost to an extreme though considering his past this is not uncalled for. While he may not be a friendship magnet. He keeps a small group of loyal friends.
Combat: He tries his best to stay calm and collected through a fight. Though difficult situations this can be hard. He tries to look at the bigger picture than the immediate problem preferring to bait opponents into a false sense of security before striking.
Likes: Chess, Combat, Authority
Dislikes: Pacifists, Deceivers, Betrayers
Hobbies: Aku enjoys combat and displays of strategic superiority it reminds him of his past. He hates humans and deceivers blaming them for the downfall of his kingdom. Though he hates pacifists most of all. When his kingdom was besieged by another he had ample supplies and resources to fight back and win but through the subterfuge of his own citizens, he was brought down from the inside.


Human Life: When Aku was alive he was born the son of a peasant couple. Having to survive through the many feudal wars of his hometown he was forced into a pacifistic mindset. Wishing for peace over the constant battles which ruined his land and his family. But when a rival lord attacked his family's farm and slaughtered everyone he knew and loved, Aku barely escaped with his life. Swearing revenge he started to gain a following among his people and lead an uprising. Seizing control of his lord's territory he waged a war against those that had wronged him. Winning he renounced his pacifist ways adopting the name his enemies passed to him, the one he wears today Waru Akuma or Evil Fiend.
Transformation: After waging war after war Aku had nearly struck down every worthy opponent the surrounding lands had to offer. When his only rival had arrived on his doorsteps Aku was confident in his odds. But his closest advisor turned on him redirecting all the supplies for the war effort towards the enemy instead. Then the pacifistic peasants declared their hate for the eternal wars and came to his mansion destroying the family he had built once again. As he was executed he displayed a great amount of confidence, telling the world that when he arose they would know his hate. His hate was what transformed into a hollow.
Early Life (Optional):  Aku woke up 150 years after he had died. Upon awaking to a strange place Aku took his time to familiarize himself with the environment a good beginning step for his long path to revenge.

descriptionWaru Akuma EmptyRe: Waru Akuma

Waru Akuma C499ffb5f9fd5947052a8e8da1f0af2f


Name:Waru Akuma
Position: Foot Soldier
Race: Hollow
Tier: 5-5




Tier 5-5:Name:Expert Super-Fast Regeneration
Appearance: A Hollow regenerates damage they sustain. It is fast enough that a person can actually watch their body reform as a mass of visible spirit pressure forms, and the "flesh" of a hollow forms beneath that.
Description: A Hollow who sustains wounds begins healing them in that same post. Minor injuries heal in the post after that, and major injuries finish healing in the second post after they start. Lost limbs heal in the third post after they start. Requires Super-Fast Regeneration perk.
Tier 4-5:
Tier 3-5:
Tier 2-5:
Tier 1-5:



Last edited by Waru Akuma on Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:38 am; edited 3 times in total

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Filler 1

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descriptionWaru Akuma EmptyRe: Waru Akuma

Looks good!

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