Bleach: Lost Souls
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Bleach: Lost SoulsLog in

descriptionJohan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner EmptyJohan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner

Name: Johan Vivet and Edwin H.
Race: human and Mod Soul
Age: 26 and 136

Gender: male and female
Nickname(s): Jekyll and Hyde
Birth Date: 02.14

Occupation: Supernatural Bio-Engineer
Affiliation(s): None currently

Height: 180cm // 271cm
Weight: 75kg // 140kg

Johan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner MR0nUs9
Johan Vivet
Johan Saint stands at roughly five feet ten inches, with sandy blonde hair, no truly definitive scars or features. Which is good, he looks average and it makes for the best way to blend in and be ignored. He weighs just under one fifty and is fit, but nothing discernable with long sleeves or pants on. Johan's eyes are a soft hue of blue and he wears glasses like most of the members of his mother's side of the family. Johan wears button ups and slacks with a jacket, so he can come off as any normal salary worker in the modern world. He likes being able to disappear into a crowd and have no real thoughts or features about himself. His favorite colors are colors that blend into the environment. He doesn't like standing out and to be honest, he doesn't want to.

Edwin Hyde
Johan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner MwbNhBt
Edwin is the definition of a monster. Her look is imposing and unreal, almost as if it is naturally a blight on the world just for existing. She stands towering at eight and a half feet tall, with arms that could be on a gorilla or protruding from the closet of some poor child’s nightmares.

Which is framed by her exceptionally large arms and legs that seem to elongate more than what would be considered normal for a human. Almost like she could be mistaken for a yeti or bigfoot. Heck, a Hyde might have been yeti or bigfoot. Each of her extremities, is covered in layer after layer of muscle tissue and little to no excess making Edwin an overly pronounced look. Her movements change frequently between more monstrous gorilla movements that pronounce her long limbs by using all of them for movement, and a normal human walk that varies on the line between strut and jog.

Edwin’s eyes are an inhuman shade of light green that matches the glow of the vial she is usually housed inside. She has slants in the upper corners of her eyes that make her seem slightly lizard-like and she is far more tan than her human interface. Her hair is long, but stringy with little to no care aside from running her hand through it after shifting. As for color, it changes rather frequently every time she shifts, and she’s not entirely sure why, though she doesn’t care either.

Edwin’s body weighs in around three hundred pounds, and her shoulders lurch with her muscle flexes as do her shoulder blades. As they are double jointed, they end up looking like housed wings from some viewpoints. Her chest is as large as she is, and the clothing that Johan wears is usually destroyed by the transformation. If she can get or find clothing, she may cover herself up but that is usually effort she doesn’t care about.

The Good Doctor
Johan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner DyGBUV3
Looks identical to Johan prior to using his abilities, though he seems to have a smile that seems eerie and shadows seem to surround him like a bad b movie horror villain.


Edwin simply hits things. She has no real plans or reasoning. She simply sees a threat to Johan and swings. There is no rhyme or reason, her attacks are simply a beating using whatever part of her body connects with her opponents. It’s stupidly brutish with very little thought or concern for what is going on. In contrast, The Good Doctor fights virtually with an ironic style, all of his actions are sadistic and planned but still simply reliant on brute pain to make opponents submit.

As Johan Vivet
20% Self-Preservation
80% Only Human

As Edwin Hyde
100% Thoughtless Brute Force

As Doctor Jekyll
50% Meticulous Planning
50% Precision Brute Force


Edwin Hyde’s programmed mod soul ability is Phasing, she can change the structure of her body to reishi that lets her move through solid objects on Earth, though that’s not really what she uses it for, cause she’s kind of not smart.

Johan can walk through walls with Edwin’s ability, provided the wall is less than a meter. This only works on Earth, buildings made out of reishi, make this ability useless.

Johan and Edwin can use Edwin’s phasing to tear holes in dimensional transitions where holes have been torn previously. They simply phase through the remnants of the dimensional gateways. This allows Johan and Edwin to change dimensions, but only to wherever the person who originally opened the door went.

Johan Vivet
Johan is kind of boring and a bit anti-social. Since a young age he was more in tune with hanging around with a chemistry set. Though, he is also well-spoken, focuses on getting to the point and takes a certain pleasure in explaining things. Johan also suffers from cowardice, after all there are really monsters that want to eat you everywhere and seeing them kind of gives you a different outlook on life. Usually, in his case that makes him hide in a lab somewhere. He is respectful and his own ideas are usually well-thought out and commonly based on the logic of the greatest good. If Edwin is entirely controlled by emotion, then Johan is controlled by logic.

Johan is the human and rides along body for Edwin. He is well-spoken, generally relaxed and quite often finds himself apologizing for his mistakes. Johan generally has a load of patience and is quite happy to work things out. Conflict and confrontation do not seem to be at the forethought of his personality. He likes resolving disputes and being an overall genuine individual. For this reason, Johan has no taste for spiritual racism, he also thinks that the nomenclature of spiritual beings is entirely wrong on multiple levels but he deals with it out of nominal thought process from other beings. After all, shinigami die, so they aren't gods, and hollows aren't actually hollow. Vizards kind of makes sense, but from what Arrancar has told him, that’s also pretty wrong. He’s also never seen a Quincy go destroy everything.

Johan has a plethora of issues with Edwin, but he’s gotten over most of them since they have begun to be more cooperative, if only to stay alive. Johan believes that Edwin doesn’t focus enough on being embarrassed, or think things through enough. These could both be side-effects of the fact that they still don’t fully bond correctly. While they don’t get along completely, they have begun to tolerate each other and Johan knows it’s a two way street. Without him, Edwin would have trouble interfacing with any human that wanted to keep sane and not be a throw away body.

Johan has dreams of heroism. He likes the ideas of chivalry and being the one person that people can count on, but it doesn’t often end the way he would like. He can hardly ignore people in distress and it can lead to him pulling Edwin out of his hat at times where she can do more damage than good.

Edwin Hyde
Edwin is the polar opposite of Johan, like the stories, Mis(ter) Hyde is a ball of writing emotion. She does what she wants, when she wants to do it and dam the world. Where Johan would gather information and cautiously approach something, she would poke the hell out of it just to see what that does. She speaks in small syllables

"Sometimes the smartest person is the one who thinks the simplest."
Edwin Hyde is a monster designed by shinigami to hurt monsters. Originally, with less ability to interface with Johan Saint, Edwin was a large, very angry woman. Her vocal skills were monosyllabic and unintelligent. To pair it off, she seemed to have a complete lack of attention to detail and a detachment from both reality and sanity. The more and more open Johan and her became with each other, the more Edwin could merge her personality with his intelligence. As such she is now more like a moody teenager now. Edwin like’s to get things her way and will complain when they don’t go her way. This is due to the fact that she’s just now learning about interfacing with society, leaving most of the heavy thinking to Johan rather than herself. She complains when her clothing doesn’t fit and has extreme issues with being slighted.

Though, that leads to even more problems because Edwin can't believe that anything is a slight if taken in the right context based on her mood. Edwin is also extremely curious, as if having more and more higher brain function has allowed her to actually develop a more prominent set of beliefs and ideas. She takes the time to poke and prod things, and will quite often go out of her way to learn about something or see it work. This leads Edwin into spots that may have killed the curious cat, but usually ends with Edwin asking whatever was bright and shiny to do it again. While she will attempt to punch just about anything that can appear in front of her, it has very little to do with malice, and everything to do with instincts and programming. This makes Edwin effectively a relic compared to the more forward thinking Mod Souls of today. Edwin has a weird speech pattern as well, that is very recognizable. The more interfaced with Johan she is, the more she uses the pronoun ‘We’ while the less, the more she refers to herself in the third person. If you ask her, she’s working on becoming a better person, she just would have no real way to explain it.

Edwin, now that she is more connected with Johan, has taken to his idea of helping people, if only to get herself more things to hit. She protects things that are weaker than her because he wants her too, and tries to minimize collateral damage. Though, that amounts to millions in property damage instead of billions. The large woman is constantly on the lookout for something that is about to harm someone just to find something she can hit, and Johan would not get angry with. She also has sort of a bodyguard-like mentality for other mod souls, knowing how vulnerable they really are.

”Under the Influence”
Edwin can be brought into Administrative Control Mode by any shinigami captain or vice captain that was around when she vanished with the rest of the HID-3 models. This is as simple as stating their name full name, their rank at the time in their voice, or by knowing Edwin’s Model Number and infusing their reiatsu to force her into command mode. Which requires a large amount. In command mode Edwin loses most of her personality for a cold, emotionless husk that was originally designed to attack other soul beings that her creator decided would be better fought with the billions of weak humans rather than by wasting Soul Society resources. When given a command by anyone with access, she will obey based on whether or not the command was abstract, and specific. Using these functions are highly volatile to Edwin’s emotional state as well as her interface with Johan as they limit the pair’s freedom. The more constricted that Edwin is, the more likely she is to lose empathy for things around her as that higher function was deemed low priority when she was originally programmed.


"Most Fiction is Rooted In Reality"
The group of Mod Soul designated as batch One-Seven-Six was made in secret in the early months of the year 1886. They were designed using experimentation on older mod souls and human spiritualists as catalysts for transfering spiritual energy to power mod soul abilities. The idea, in theory, was to create a group of humans that were basically an internal bomb. Have the unassuming low-spiritual power energy human wonder into say, a Quincy base, consume the Mod Soul and begin destroying the entire area and all of Sereitei’s enemies with it.

It took only one audit of the project after the creation of the Human Interface Devices, models one through five, before the captain commander would deem the project a danger. Unfortunately, against the better judgement of Soul Society, and due to the fact that the project could be reignited in the future, the Mod Soul were left on earth by the Vice Captain and project designer of the Research and Development Division. All forty of the Mod Soul in the Human Interface Device batch were left on earth under the care of a shinigami by the name of Nozomi Terumi.

Nozomi Terumi was the life that would eventually lead to the activation of Edwin. She was a seated shinigami, nothing really special, until she was attacked by a group of hollows on the outskirts of London. During which she was saved by a human spiritualist named Henry Jekyll, who by accident, found the dispenser for the Human Interface Device and consumed one of the Mod Soul, activating the Mod Soul Edward Hyde. The attack destroyed a large number of London surrounding buildings and Nozomi realized how much of a danger the Mod Soul was. They were addicted to the human spiritualists using them, and would damage the mental psyche of the humans that used them.

With Henry Jekyll’s help prior to his complete loss of sanity, Nozomi was able to edit the original code of the Mod Soul in order to curb the addiction of the Mod Soul. She did so realizing just how powerful the Mod Soul could be in the right hands. It is still unclear as to why Nozomi needed more intelligent Mod Soul, perhaps revenge or some other personal vendetta. However, she would never finish the modifications herself as she was killed inexplicably a few months later, leaving Henry Jekyll to finish the project to the best of his abilities.

While Henry could not find a way to truly edit the way the Mod Soul worked, he found that certain chemicals would influence Edward in his own transformations leading to the creation of the potion that slowed the addiction rate of Henry and bonded Edward and Henry’s minds closer together. This allowed Edward a small amount of intelligence, but would not be perfected for another hundred and twenty years. The original serum was passed down down the Jekyll family, each member being bonded to one of the Mod Soul at the will of Henry Jekyll.

In 1990, almost a century later, Gwen Jekyll became the first human to bond with an activation rate greater than fifty percent. This was the first time the Interface was registered strong enough to activate the Mod Soul secondary function. For the Human Interface Device, the secondary function was essentially their ‘power’ or whatever ability had been programmed into them. Specific to Gwen and her “partner” Edith Hyde, the ability to create and manipulate water. This was in part due to Gwen’s extensive modification of Henry’s Serum and her own personal belief that the Mod Soul they were using, had personalities themselves. To her, unlike her family, the Hyde had its own feelings and agenda and she wanted to learn more about the android that was sharing and interfacing with her body.

Gwen would eventually marry a man by the name of Adrian Vivet, and her son, Johan, would be the first Jekyll to choose a Mod Soul that was the wrong gender. Maybe he was just born, unlucky but Johan was told of his heritage and chose the pill labeled 3-3DVV11V. He, like the other members of the family, created the serum in order to protect himself from the dangers caused by the raw state of the pills. His first encounter with Edwin was on his eighteenth birthday. Edwin was born after Johan was slammed into a wall and robbed at knife-point. She came into the world with little to no thoughts or notions. She was also born into a world with a targeting system that had not been updated since buildings were now skyscrapers, nothing looked like the 1880s. This led to Edwin assuming that everything was a monster she should destroy. The property damage of Edwin’s first activation was extensive, and the casualties were the same. If Edwin and Johan did not immediately hate each other, probably because Johan was shifted into a woman, they would have made a better bonding out of the gate.

Johan got through college with only one or two incidents, which he prefers not to share and has a degree in biochemistry. Following an incident with a hollow, that led to him being bounced into the idea of interdimensional travel, and encountering Shinigami for the first time, Johan began to believe that Edwin is not what he thinks she is. During an incident with a shinigami, Edwin and Johan had to work together to breach a mental barrier that was created when the shinigami gave Edwin instructions, causing their bonding rate to soar from under five percent to nearly sixty, activating Edwin’s ability for the first time. Edwin’s model came with the power to phase matter by dispersing it to a pocket dimension and releasing it at another point. In layman’s terms, she can phase matter within a certain area around her.

This would be the first time that Edwin and Johan’s minds were also close enough that Johan could understand Edwin. Edwin, like Johan, actually didn’t like wanton destruction and complete obliteration of everything. In fact, she didn’t really like spiritual racism, and had no idea why she was designed to attack things in the first place. Like Johan, she liked the idea of being a hero, when enough of her personality got the brain power to function.

That single moment led to Johan deciding to look for the other Mod Soul, on his own in order to give Edwin friends, and because it was obvious that they were made more or less with personalities. If they had feelings, like other beings, there was no reason to not defend them from the people that wanted to use or abuse them for their own personal gain. Edwin, on the other hand, has recently begun to be more protective of Johan’s body, though she still will occasionally get him hurt and decide it is his problem to take care of.

Last edited by Vance on Sat Sep 18, 2021 6:16 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionJohan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner EmptyRe: Johan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner

Name: Mod Soul Interfacing

Appearance: Johan tries to make it look like he needs to drink a vial to do it.  Though he just swallows the pill he keeps hidden in his mouth and then his body contorts and transforms into Edwins via a combination of Reishi absorption and other weird stuff.  It looks odd and grotesque and destroys his clothing.

Ability: Edwin Hyde’s programmed mod soul ability is Phasing, she can change the structure of her body to reishi that lets her move through solid objects on Earth, though that’s not really what she uses it for, cause she’s kind of not smart.

Johan can walk through walls with Edwin’s ability, provided the wall is less than a meter.  This only works on Earth, buildings made out of reishi, make this ability useless.

Johan and Edwin can use Edwin’s phasing to tear holes in dimensional transitions where holes have been torn previously.  They simply phase through the remnants of the dimensional gateways.  This allows Johan and Edwin to change dimensions, but only to wherever the person who originally opened the door went.

Name: Basic Shift > Johan - Edwin
Type: Basic Transformation
Level: 1

Appearance: Johan just swallows the pill he keeps hidden in his mouth and then his body contorts and transforms into Edwins via a combination of Reishi absorption and other weird stuff.  It looks odd and grotesque and destroys his clothing.

Effect: Shifts Johan to Edwin or Edwin to Johan.  As Johan retains only his reiatsu statistic.  While shifted into Edwin he gains his actual stats.  This occurs when Johan is injured or threatened.  In order to shift back to Johan, Edwin must be knocked unconscious or somehow be calmed down.

Name: Wall Walking I
Type: Basic Movement
Level: 1

Appearance: Johan or Edwin becomes slightly opaque and hard to look at. Like they are superimposed onto reality.

Effect: Allows either one to traverse through walls up to one meter thick. Not overly impressive considering that its standard for trans-dimensional beings.

Last edited by Vance on Sat Sep 18, 2021 6:31 am; edited 3 times in total

descriptionJohan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner EmptyRe: Johan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner


descriptionJohan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner EmptyRe: Johan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner

this is another fillar

descriptionJohan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner EmptyRe: Johan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner

whatever another one

descriptionJohan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner EmptyRe: Johan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner

You're gonna have to put more work into this man. And the power is going to need to be more specific with associated techniques to use it.

descriptionJohan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner EmptyRe: Johan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner

At this point you aren't even using our systems. I really want to work with you man but your character has to at least be made for this site.

descriptionJohan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner EmptyRe: Johan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner

Honestly, not in the mood ill just leave. Your logic and comment makes no sense at all. Hollow pre Aju at the level your talking about have no mental process aside from eat. I've made 7 characters for mug and ko over the past few years and this honestly has way more info than every other bio and still plays with the weirdly broken exponential rules. When realistically you just make 14 reiatsu characters and everyone dies for being near you without 14 reiatsu. Not in the mood to grind again when chances are ill once again hit a high level and youll just make a new board.

The way you want to do this is entirely square pegs and I really dont want to put in effort for something that wont exist in 3 months. Especially when the system is already so brainless while I'm being called out for it.

descriptionJohan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner EmptyRe: Johan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner

Aight man, live your life. Have a good one.

descriptionJohan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner EmptyRe: Johan Vivet - High Spec Human and Mod Soul Partner

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