The World of The Living

The World of The Living, or more commonly called the Living World, is the middle ground between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo.  Living people and stranded souls reside here, and it is essentially our own planet earth.  The biggest difference is, since the collapse, most of the planet has been wiped out and what remains is something of a wasteland after all of the supernatural disasters.  The only area that remained untouched by this cataclysmic event was mainland Japan and its many islands.  The congregated Human Faction resides in Karakura Town, a city found in Japan, and that is where most PC roleplay will take place.  

Karakura Town

Karakura Town is home to the Human Faction HQ. It is a small but bustling town on the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan, and if one were to visit, you almost couldn't tell the rest of the world is nearly uninhabited. Notable locations in Karakura Town are the High School, the Hospital, and the HQ for both the Fullbringers and the Quincies. Karakura Town has an unusually high number of Humans with special powers, be they Fullbringers, Quincies, or they simply have higher Reiatsu than most Humans and, as a result, can see spirits, including Hollows and Soul Reapers.

Human Faction

The Human Faction is the alliance that was built between the Fullbringer and Quincy factions. There is no one leader of the Human Faction, which causes a strain on the relationship between the two factions that make it up. The Fullbringer leader and the Quincy leader are consistently looking for political leg-ups on each other, as well as information or advantages to leverage over each other. They have no central HQ, and often just meet at a key location in Karakura Town.

Fullbringer Faction

The Fullbringers are themselves a somewhat loose faction. There isn't a lot of formal leadership outside of the Head Fullbringer, and his left and right hands. The Head Fullbringer has a tier that is comparable to the Captain Commander, and his left and right hands (that being the actual name of their position) comparable to regular Captains. Still, subordinates are more honorifically and ethically bound to follow these individuals, rather than legally.

Head Fullbringer:

Right Hand:

Left Hand:

Quincy Faction

The Quincy faction has developed a lot since the collapse. Echt (pureblood) and Gemischt (hybrid) Quincies have been at each others' throats for a long time. The resulting conflict has been just short of a civil war, where the Echt were forced to realize the equality of the Gemischt. As a result, there exists a Council of Twelve, made up of six Echt and six Gemischt. Each group recommends one representative when it comes time to choose a new leader of the Quincies, who are then forced to fight to the death. The winner becomes the leader of the Quincies, who operates as something of a president. He becomes effectively the thirteenth member of the Council of Twelve, and can propose Quincy laws. The 13 of them then vote on the law, which is most of the time approved, since there are 6 of each major group plus the leader. There are two leaders beneath the Quincy Leader, each being the leader of Echt or Gemischt respectively. The Quincy Head is Captain-Commander Class, and the faction leaders are captain class.

Quincy Leader:

Echt Leader:

Gemischt Leader: