Site History in the Form of a Quick Timeline

  • 350 Years Ago: War sparked between the Quincy and Hollows. Quincy began hunting hollows as much to extinction as possible.

  • 300 Years Ago: War sparked between Quincy and Soul Reapers as well. Quincy hunted too many hollows, causing an imbalance in the souls between the Living World and the Soul Society, which began destabilizing all three dimensions.

  • 250 Years Ago: The Great Collapse. Soul Reapers failed to stop Quincy from their hunting of the Hollows. While the Hollows never seemed to diminish in number, enough were hunted that the boundaries between the worlds began to disappear. This caused supernatural storms and catastrophes, annihilating everything in their paths. The Soul Society managed to preserve most of the Soul Society, and a portion of the Living World and Hueco Mundo that were equal in size to the Soul Society. 90% of the population of each world was annihilated. Beings born

  • 225 Years Ago: It was discovered by Arrancar that the Senkaimon and Garganta have become naturally occurring phenomenon. They appear in random locations every few years and disappear after only a few days.

  • 200 Years Ago: Hollows and Arrancars formed an alliance against the Quincy, as their numbers began to diminish. They established a system and heirarchy where the leaders were called the Espada, and ranked from 1 to 5 in power. Espada 1 became the leader of both races, and each Espada commands a unit of powerful Hollows and Arrancar. The second-in-command of each Espada is called their Fraccion.

  • 150 Years Ago: Soul Society began bringing the Vizards they found back to the Soul Society in desperation, as their numbers were drastically reduced. Many do not trust these Vizards as they have the power of a Hollow inside them, but some have managed to prove themselves and their honor and trustworthiness.

  • 145 Years Ago: Quincy and Fullbringers have begun working together. Each group has a leader, and beneath them, two more captian-class leaders. Beneath each of them are one lieutenant-class sub-commanders. Both factions posture against each other regularly, always looking for un upper hand, but neither is explicitly in charge of the other.

  • Present-Day: An invasion of Hueco Mundo by Soul Reapers has revealed that the naturally occurring gates between the three worlds have changed from forming every few years to just every few days. Additionally, some have developed the ability to open them at will.