Bleach: Lost Souls
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Bleach: Lost SoulsLog in

descriptionFated Meeting? [Closed/Roku] EmptyFated Meeting? [Closed/Roku]

Once again the pink haired Shinigami was forcefully stationed in the dangerous zones of the Rukongai. But there wasn’t much he could do about this as his father was specifically targeting him for punishment. All he had to do was maintain this post for a while and fight off any hollows or stragglers in the area. It would also give him plenty of time to focus on his zanpaktuo and communicating with its spirit. He wondered what his weapon would awaken to. Most people in his family had kido based zanpaktuo as that’s what the bloodline excelled in. But since his path to that was cut off he could only wait to find out with his inner soul weapon would be.

Pushing such thoughts aside for now he would continue to survey the area. Would he be able to find someone or something in this desolate environment? If not that was fine to as he simply just had to wait here for a little while longer before returning to his squad to face another of his grueling assignments. Will there ever be an end to his mistreatment? Of course there would. But only when he gains the strength to surpass his father and show him the error of his ways. Not only just his father, his mother, the rest of his family, and the world.

“I will make father and the entire Rose Family regret how they’ve treated me. Just wait for it!”

descriptionFated Meeting? [Closed/Roku] EmptyRe: Fated Meeting? [Closed/Roku]

Roku lay atop the flat, featureless building clearly designed by a man who had not training in such a skill at all as he surveyed the surrounding buildings. Each building in this area betrayed that same fact, as this deep in the Rukongai, having a professionally built home was very rare. More often, some farmer or someone built their own house with minimal materials or safety concerns in mind. After a bit, Roku spotted a Shihakusho attached to something brightly colored atop it, and realized it was a Soul Reaper. It was an odd sight here in this district where Roku grew up. He had been the protector of these people in his late teen and early adult life, so now and then he'd still come back and check the place out to make sure the residents weren't being abused by anyone. Suspicious, Roku approached as this guy muttered something about the Rose family. He wore a pair of grey athletic shorts and a white sleeveless shirt with his Asauchi slung across his back, and scratched his neck as he called out to the guy. "Hey man, you okay?"

descriptionFated Meeting? [Closed/Roku] EmptyRe: Fated Meeting? [Closed/Roku]

As Ragar continued to ponder and complain about his life he would suddenly hear the sound of a voice not far from him. It was rare for the local residents or sentient creatures to approach him. He wondered who else would come here to approach him and what their intentions were. But upon hearing the mans question and realizing that he probably overheard his words he decided to not respond to this man in a aggressive manner. After all I did appear as if the man was genuinely curious to his well being and state of mind. Finally turning to face the man he was able to clearly see that he was indeed another Shinigami. Strangely enough though he was told that he was the only one to be stationed in this area of the rukongai.

What was this other Shinigami doing here. The man appeared normal enough not much different than the average middle aged human. But despite his simple appearance there was still a need it question why the man was here. It was his job after all to watch after this area and stop any suspicious activity. “I am fine just a case of a pent up agression from dealing with issues of my family. But enough about me? Who are you and why are you here? No other Shinigami were supposed to be stationed in this area. As the temporary guard I must find out your intentions with this small village otherwise I will be forced to report you to the enforcement squad.” While Ragar didn’t truly want to cause any issues with the man he had to do his job. If his father had heard he let a suspicious Shinigami freely trespass this area then he would be swamped with various punishments and tasks for his “negligence”.

descriptionFated Meeting? [Closed/Roku] EmptyRe: Fated Meeting? [Closed/Roku]

Roku was slightly confused at Ragar's questions of him. "I lived here 30 years, who the hell are you?" Roku respected the guy's diligence, but he was here at least a few days out of every week and found it odd to be questioned now. "My family is here. And my name is Roku Enzoka, squad 2." He hoped he hadn't come off too abrasive as an afterthought, as his question was out of confusion and not aggression. "Besides man, the Rukongai isn't exactly private property. Shinigami are allowed outside Sereitei yknow." Roku took a moment to size-up Ragar. He was a rather flagrant man, with bright colored hair that was enough to pique Roku's interest. He also had an air of bitterness about him, and that wasn't something Roku couldn't relate to. After a moment, Roku softened, and the effect was probably visible on his face. After all, the guy was just doing his job.

He decided not to press too hard about Ragar's family. If it were Roku, he wouldn't wanna be questioned about it. And even if he did, it wouldn't be welcome from a stranger. That said, Roku wasn't heartless and if the guy opened up of his own accord, Roku would listen with empathy.

descriptionFated Meeting? [Closed/Roku] EmptyRe: Fated Meeting? [Closed/Roku]

Ragar was not surprised at the response of this new arrival. In fact he was right to respond the way he did to his questioning. If Ragar could control it he wouldn’t question people in this manner. But if he didn’t he was sure that his actions or lack thereof would be reported to his father. Then there would be no other repercussions to him finding out. It was best to do his job down to the tee. Sighing lightly as how this interactions would go he would now attempt to clarify his actions in this situation. Since he had gotten the information he needed from this fellow Shinigami he could now relax and interact correctly.

“I apologize Roku I was simply doing my job. I aware that there are frequently Shinigami and residents here traveling the Rukongai but it’s important that I at least understand the motives of all who cross my path. If I don’t I could get into a lot of trouble with my fath- I mean the squad captain. Him and I aren’t exactly on good terms so I must do everything down to the code in the books. I am sure he has a few minions around waiting for me to make the slightest slip up and plot on my down fall.

Either way enough about such things. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Ragar Rose III a member of the Squad 3 and a nobleman of the Rose Family. I am sure you can further make inferences between the identity of my family and my position in the squad. It’s no secret of how poor my relationship with my father is. Which would further explain why I have to be so strict and overbearing in my questioning of new arrivals.”

descriptionFated Meeting? [Closed/Roku] EmptyRe: Fated Meeting? [Closed/Roku]

Roku raised an eyebrow at Ragar while he spoke. He listened well, as any good guy would, but was quite taken aback by how much Ragar was willing to share. Roku wasn't like this at all, and would have kept quiet about his personal life. But then again, he was always defending himself from exploitation based on what people knew about him growing up, so developing this trait made sense. For Ragar, maybe it was different. Maybe as a nobelman, he did not need to be so careful about what people knew about him. Or, maybe he was just so distressed that he needed it off his chest. Roku wondered if he'd try to take advantage of the guy... as a member of the Rose family, one would assume he was a natural enemy of Roku. But, having met Hatsu recently, Roku's mind was opened to the possibility that they weren't all bad. Plus, the guy had said he wasn't on great terms with them... maybe he had no interest in Roku.

"You're fine man, you're fine." Roku would say, comparatively quite casual to Ragar's dialect. "Relax, it's not that serious. I'm glad someone is looking over the district if I'm honest. That's not normally the case." It was genuine. He really did appreciate this other Soul Reaper looking after the Rukongai. For so long, it was only Roku. And it was hard, considering he was on the run from this guy's family. "Why are you so afraid of your father?"

descriptionFated Meeting? [Closed/Roku] EmptyRe: Fated Meeting? [Closed/Roku]

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