Ragar Rose II [NPC] Latest?cb=20120705132423&path-prefix=protagonist

Name: Ragar Rose II
Race: Shinigami
Position Squad 3 Captain
Personality: Ragar II is described as incredibly prideful and ambitious. His goal is for his branch of the family to become the strongest Kido users to ever exist. This excessive drive has followed him throughout his whole life to the point he mistreated anyone with lower potential than himself. In opposition if there is someone who has a higher potential to himself in his family he will follow their every whim. In particular he treats those with no potential in a cold and callous way. In particular he treats his son with no kido potential the worst.
Tier:  1-5


Agility: 10
Strength: 5
Durability: 5
Reiatsu: 10


Tier 5-5: Kido Expert
Tier 4-5: Shikai
Tier 3-5: Mountainous Reiatsu
Tier 2-5: Kido Master
Tier 1-5: Expert Shunpo


Tier 1 Transformation/Power:

Name:  Winter Rose
Command: "Bloom"

Appearance: It takes the form of a sickle-shaped blade, or falx, distinguished from the khopesh by the cutting edge being located on the inside. A hinge at top of the hilt allows it to split into four identical and evenly spaced blades. The hilt and tsuba remain the same in this form.[106]. The blade's overal design most closely resembles a shotel.

Ability: When released Winter Rose can flare up transform into a number of glowing white vines made purely from kido. These vines move to grapple and ensnare an opponent. Once the opponent is sufficiently subdued the vines begin to borrow into the target and grow energy buds that are being filled with the opponent's Reiatsu. The flowers actually use it as a form of power source, siphoning the Reiatsu the opponent emits in order to fuel their growth. When the rose flowers bloom the collected Reiatsu is turned against the opponent, either seriously incapacitating them or killing them in the process. By chewing on the petals of the bloomed flowers one's wounds cant be healed and their body is revitalized proportionate to the amount of reiatsu consumed. When the effect is over the vines release the target and shrivel up. The vines then recede back into the hilt and the sealed blade is reconstituted.

Slot 1: 2 Techniques
Slot 2: Reiatsu +2

Tier 2 Transformation/Power:

Tier 3 Transformation/Power:

Known Technique/Spells

All Kido

History: (Optional)